Initial Screening Serology Requisitions
Clinical Resource for Family Physicians
Seeing Newly Arrived Refugees
and Refugee Claimants
The following information is a consensus from the physician group working at the Calgary Refugee Health Program, and is based on years of experience treating most of the refugees and refugee claimants in our city. It is meant to be used as a resource to guide family physicians through the initial screening and management of newly arrived refugees and refugee claimants.
During the patients’ first medical visit at the Calgary Refugee Health Program, physicians will take their full medical history, perform a complete head-to-toe physical exam and order refugee-specific screening tests. The results of these tests are then reviewed with the patients at a subsequent visit where other issues such as vaccination are also addressed. The current guidelines aim at guiding family physicians through these initial visits with their new refugee patients.
This resource was specifically designed for family physicians in Calgary, but most of this information can also be used by other Canadian physicians welcoming refugee patients in their practice (depending on the local resources available). Additionally, while these recommendations are mainly aimed at refugees and refugee claimants, they could also be useful for physicians seeing newly arrived immigrants.
These recommendations should not be considered as official clinical guidelines. They simply represent our current practice at the Calgary Refugee Health Program. The clinical judgement of family physicians should always prevail over these recommendations, and specialist consultation is advised where appropriate.
This clinical resource was authored by:
Guillaume Mongeau-Martin, MDCM CCFP DTM&H
For questions about this resource, please email:
Special contributions:
Andrea Hull, MD CCFP DTM&H (Extensive review of the guidelines)
Jazmin Marlinga, MD CCFP DTM&H (Extensive review of the guidelines)
Stephen D Vaughan, MD FRCPC DTM&H (Infectious diseases sections)
Rita Watterson, MD FRCPC MPH (Post-traumatic stress disorder section)
This document was reviewed and approved by the entire physician group at the Calgary Refugee Health Program.
(Last updated: August 2019)
Physicians in Alberta can use the pre-filled requisitions linked below, which are based off our
recommended initial screening tests. These requisitions can be used for both adults and children with the specificities listed.
Remember to fill out the Clinical History section.
Add a short description
For adults only.
Information on reimbursement for treating refugee patients.
Profiles of the most common countries Calgary refugees come from and the health issues they face.
Evidence-based checklists that cover refugee health issues.
Canadian Clinical Guidelines and other useful resources for clinicians.
Christina Greenaway, Gabriel Fabreau and Kevin Pottie
CMAJ July 11, 2022 194 (26) E911-E915; DOI:
Kevin Pottie, Christina Greenaway, John Feightner, Vivian Welch, Helena Swinkels, Meb Rashid, Lavanya Narasiah, Laurence J. Kirmayer, Erin Ueffing, Noni E. MacDonald, Ghayda Hassan, Mary McNally, Kamran Kahn, Ralf Buhrmann, Sheila Dunn, Arunmozhi Dominic, Anne E. McCarthy, Anita J. Gagnon, Cécile Rousseau, Peter Tugwell and Canadian Collaboration for Immigrant and Refugee Health
CMAJ July 26, 2011 cmaj.090313; DOI:
Kevin Pottie, Christina Greenaway, Ghayda Hassan, Charles Hui and Laurence J. Kirmayer
CMAJ February 16, 2016 188 (3) 207-211; DOI:
Christina Greenaway, Amelia Sandoe, Bilkis Vissandjee, Ian Kitai, Doug Gruner, Wendy Wobeser, Kevin Pottie, Erin Ueffing, Dick Menzies and Kevin Schwartzman
CMAJ September 06, 2011 183 (12) E939-E951; DOI:
Laurence J. Kirmayer, Lavanya Narasiah, Marie Munoz, Meb Rashid, Andrew G. Ryder, Jaswant Guzder, Ghayda Hassan, Cécile Rousseau and Kevin Pottie
CMAJ September 06, 2011 183 (12) E959-E967; DOI:
Meb Rashid and Chris Greenaway
CMAJ November 05, 2013 185 (16) 1417-1418; DOI: