Anne is a 15-year-old Yazidi girl and refugee from Iraq was brought to Canada with her mother and four siblings as part of the Victims of Daesh Program. Her father was killed by ISIS, and the rest of the family was imprisoned for over 2 years, during which time they were enslaved, sold, raped and tortured. Jane had developmental delay, difficulties with speech and hearing as well as muscle wasting and weakness of her left leg, leaving her unable to walk.
Jane is a 39-year-old Yazidi woman with cognitive impairment who is wheelchair dependent, was brought to Canada with her elderly mother, sister, and four nieces as part of the Victims of Daesh Program. They arrived here in acute distress due to trauma from imprisonment, rape, and torture. Jane’s sister was unable to walk—her elderly mother would carry her on her back. They lived their first few months here in fear, and needed to attend medical appointments together. Ultimately, with support, the children’s mental health issues subsided and over time learned they were safe in Canada and could travel to the clinic using public transportation.