Scientific Abstracts

Scientific Abstracts

Below is a list of scientific presentations by members of our research team or collaborators at various local, national, and international conferences.

  • Poster Presentations

    1. Cartier Ford H. Newcomers and the Construction of Vaccine Hesitancy: Combatting the Pervasive Notion of Newcomers as Vaccine Hesitant​. North American Refugee Health Conference. August 2024. 

    2. Altahsh D, Holdbrook L, Sahilie A, Norrie E, Grewal R, Santana M, Talavlikar R, Aucoin M, Coakley A, Fabreau GE. Using Nominal Group Technique with a Diverse Refugee Patient Advisory Committee (PAC) to Identify Health and Research Priorities. [Oral/Poster Presentation] Northwest SPOR Collaborative Forum. Edmonton, AB. October 2023. 

    3. Saad A, Fabreau GE, Holdbrook L, Hussain Z, Antonio M, Youssef M, Yemane M, Sahilie A, Ramirez-Cerino E, Hassan N, Magwood O, Spitzer S, Pottie K. The health equity impacts of COVID-19 among migrant meat processing plant workers in Alberta Canada. North American Refugee Health Conference. Calgary, AB. July 2023. 

    4. El-Shazly N, Coakley A, Brindamour M, Holland T, Leslie M, Musto R, Narasiah L, Pottie K, Rashid M, Redditt V, Wiedmeyer M, Fabreau GE. Characterizing Canada's Refugee Healthcare System - Immunization Processes for Refugees. North American Refugee Health Conference. Calgary, AB. July 2023.

    5. Altahsh D, Holdbrook L, Sahilie A, Norrie E, Grewal R, Santana M, Talavlikar R, Aucoin M, Coakley A, Fabreau GE. Using Nominal Group Technique with a Diverse Refugee Patient Advisory Committee (PAC) to Identify Health and Research Priorities. North American Refugee Health Conference. Calgary, AB. July 2023.

    6. Holdbrook L, Sahilie A, Norrie E, Grewal R, Santana M, Talavlikar R, Aucoin M, Coakley A, Fabreau GE. Healthcare delivery, research, and policy priorities from a refugee Patient Advisory Council (PAC). North American Refugee Health Conference. Calgary, AB. July 2023.

    7. Antonio M, Ramirez-Cerino E, Holdbrook L, Sahilie A, Yemane M, Norrie E, Hassan N, Hussain Z, Magwood O, Saad A, Santana M, Nielssen I, Coakley A, Spitzer D, Fabreau GE, Pottie K. Community participatory research of racialized meat plant workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. North American Refugee Health Conference. Calgary, AB. July 2023.

    8. Antonio M, Ramirez-Cerino E, Sahilie A, Yemane M, Youssef M, Nielssen I, Holdbrook L, Santana M, Spitzer D, Pottie K, Fabreau GE. What are the experiences of newcomers accessing COVID-19 vaccine information and COVID-19 vaccines in Alberta during the COVID-19 pandemic? North American Refugee Health Conference. Calgary, AB. July 2023.

    9. Anchuri K, Holdbrook L, Grewal R, Clarke S, Nielssen In, Santana M, Hetherington E, McBrien K, Fabreau G. Virtual patient advisory committee within a specialized refugee health research program. North American Refugee Health Conference (Virtual). Sept 2021.

    11. Hassan N, Coakley A, Al Masri I, Talavlikar R, Aucoin M, Grewal R, McBrien KA, Ronksley P, Fabreau GE. Survivors of Daesh: Characterization of Health Conditions Among Yazidi Refugees Resettled to Canada. North American Refugee Health Conference (Virtual). Sept 2021.

    12. Al Masri I, McBrien KA, Campbell D, Abbara A, Fabreau GE. Describing the Structure Processes and Costs of a Novel Diabetes Care Program for Refugees in Lebanon. 2nd Annual Symposium on Diabetes in Humanitarian Crises. Virtual Conference. Dec 10, 2020.

    13. Hassan N, Al Masri I, Coakley A, Talavlikar R, Grewal R,  McBrien KA & Fabreau GE. Characterization of Family Separations and Family-Level Health among Resettled Yazidi Refugees to Canada. North American Refugee Health Conference. Virtual Conference, Sept 2020.

    14. Talavlikar R, Aucoin M, Coakley A, Montesanti S, McBrien KA, Fabreau GE. Characterization of Structural and Process Adaptations for Care Delivery at a Specialized Refugee Health Clinic. North American Refugee Health Conference. Virtual Conference. Sept 2020.

    15. Almasri I, Atchison K, Brown G, Sakeah J.K, Montesanti S, McBrien K, Coakley A, Talavlikar R., Fabreau GE. Syrian patients’ Perceptions of Care Among a Specialized Refugee Clinic and Community Clinics in Calgary, Canada. North American Refugee Health Conference. Toronto ON, June 2019.

    16. Atchison K, Brown G, Sakeah J, AlMasri I, Tavalikar R, Coakley A, McBrien K, Montesanti S, Fabreau GE. Operational response leaders' perspectives of a rapid Syrian refugee influx to Calgary, Canada. North American Refugee Health Conference. Toronto, ON, June 2019.

    17. Norrie E, Leung A, Kamal el Din M; McBrien K, Fabreau GE. Characterization of Hypertension: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Control at the Mosaic Refugee Health Clinic. North American Refugee Health Conference. Portland, OR. June 2018.

    18. Fabreau GE, Bauman P, Coakley A, Johnson K, Kline G. A case of severe skeletal fluorosis likely secondary to fluoride contaminated water in Kakuma Refugee Camp. North American Refugee Health Conference. Toronto, ON. June 2017.

    19. Walsh E, Leung A, Coakley A, Aucoin M, Vaughan S, Fabreau GE. Comparison of Serological and Stool Testing in the diagnosis of Strongyloidiasis and Schistosomiasis among recently arrived refugees to Canada. North American Refugee Health Conference. Toronto, ON. June 2017.

    20. Malebranche M, Nerenberg K, Metcalfe A, Fabreau GE. Are Pregnant Refugee Women Receiving the Prenatal Care They Need? North American Refugee Health Conference. Toronto, ON. June 2017.

    21. Norrie E, Leung A, McBrien K, Coakley A, Fabreau GE. Hypertension Prevalence, Treatment, and Control at a Specialized Refugee Clinic In Calgary, Alberta, Canada. North American Refugee Health Conference. Toronto, ON. June 2017.

    22. Jensen A, Williamson T, Ronksley PE, Fabreau GE, Drummond NA, Katz A, Singer A, Wong S, Manca D, Polachek A, Cheung A, McBrien KA. Who are the medically complex patients in Canadian Primary Care? Annual Scientific Assembly of the Alberta College of Family Physicians, Banff, AB. March 2-4, 2017.

    23. Fabreau GE, Walsh E, Coakley A, Yu S, Kamal el Din M, Lienhard K and McBrien K. (2016) Medical complexity and intensity of dedicated refugee clinic use among newly arrived refugees and refugee claimants to Canada. Poster Presentation. North American Refugee Health Conference Annual Meeting. June 2016. Niagara Falls, NY

    24. Fabreau GE, Berkowitz SA, He W, Kayitesi C, Oo SA, Atlas SJ and Percac-Lima S (2015) Acquisition of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors among Refugees and Immigrants: A Longitudinal Study. Poster Presentation: Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting. April, 2015. Toronto, ON

  • Oral Presentations

    1. Rashid M, Fabreau GE, Kimball S, Marlin R, Griffin M. Refugee and Asylum Health Systems and Policy in Canada and the United States. North American Refugee Health Conference. August 2024. 

    2. Kozak E, Coakley A, El-Shazly N, Norrie E, Altahsh D, Grewal R, Petermann L, Leslie M, Fabreau GE. The 2023 North American Refugee Health Policy Workshop: Reflections and Next Steps. North American Refugee Health Conference. August 2024. 

    3. Altahsh D, Holdbrook M, Norrie E, Sahilie A, Essar M, Grewal R, Horbach O, Abdaly F, Santana M, Talavlikar R, Aucoin M, Coakley A, Fabreau GE. Empowering Refugee Voices: Using Nominal Group Technique with a Diverse Refugee Patient Advisory Committee (PAC) to Identify Health and Research Priorities. North American Refugee Health Conference. August 2024. 

    4.  Rashid M, Fabreau GE, Narasiah L, Oliver A, Whalen-Browne M, Arya N, Wright V, Talavlikar R, Chirgwin J, Wiedmeyer M, Brindamour M, Hanson J. Canada's Refugee Health Clinics: structure, care models, strengths and challenges - Part 1. North American Refugee Health Conference. June 2023.

    5. Rashid M, Fabreau GE, Narasiah L, Oliver A, Whalen-Browne M, Arya N, Wright V, Talavlikar R, Chirgwin J, Wiedmeyer M, Brindamour M, Hanson J. Canada's Refugee Health Clinics: structure, care models, strengths and challenges - Part 2. North American Refugee Health Conference. June 2023.

    6. Magwood O, Spitzer D, Hassan N, Antonio M, Yemane M, Alayche, Sahilie A, Youssef M, Cerino E, Holdbrook L, Saad A, Hussain Z, Pottie K, Fabreau GE. The precarious lives of migrant workers in meat processing facilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. North American Refugee Health Conference. June 2023.

    7. De Acosta D, Dawson-Hahn E, Yu K, Yun K, Fabreau GE. Practical tips for conducting qualitative interviews with refugee and immigrant communities. North American Refugee Health Conference. June 2023.

    8. Norrie E, McBrien K, Ronkslay P, Montesanti, Ip A, Grewal R, Holdbrook L, El-Shazly N, Coakley A, Fabreau GE. Decade of turmoil: a characterization of a specialized refugee health clinic 2011-2020. North American Refugee Health Conference. June 2023.

    9. Hwang L, DeVetten G, Talavlikar R, Hetherington E. Vitamin B12 deficiency in newly-arrived pregnant refugee patients in Calgary, Canada from 2017-2019. North American Refugee Health Conference. June 2023.

    10. Hassan, Holdbrook, Clarke, Grewal, Norrie, Ip, Coakley, Pottie, Spitzer, Fabreau. Equitable Vaccine Access: Characterization and Evaluation of a Community-Engaged COVID-19 Vaccination Outreach Clinic for Underserved Urban Communities. North American Refugee Health Conference. June 2022. 

    11. Holdbrook, Hassan, Clarke, Grewal, Norrie, Ip, Coakley, Spitzer, Edwards, Pottie, Fabreau. Vaccines For All: A formative evaluation of a multi-stakeholder community-engaged COVID-19 vaccine outreach clinic for newcomer communities. North American Refugee Health Conference. June 2022.

    12. Fabreau G, Brindamour M, Beukeboom C, Narasiah L, Rashid M. Canada’s Refugee Health Clinics Amidst COVID-19: structure, care models, strengths and challenges. North American Refugee Health Conference (Virtual). Sept 2021.

    13. El-Shazly, Hassan, Hussain, Norrie, Grewal, Arya, AubreyBassler, Aucoin, Brindamour, Coakley, Holland, McBrien, Milaney, Narasiah, Pottie, Rashid, Redditt, Wiedmeyer, Musto, Fabreau. Characterizing Canada’s Refugee Healthcare System Amidst a Global Migration Crisis. North American Refugee Health Conference. June 2022.

    14. Al Masri I, McBrien KA, Campbell D, Abbara A, Fabreau GE. Describing the Structure Processes and Costs of a Novel Diabetes Care Program for Refugees in Lebanon. North American Refugee Health Conference. Sept 2020.

    15. Almasri I, Atchison K, E, Brown G, Sakeah J. K, Talavlikar R, Coakley A, McBrien K, Montesanti S, Fabreau G. October 2019. Syrian patients' Perceptions of Care Among a Specialized Refugee Clinic and Community Clinics in Calgary. Mobilizing Knowledge on Newcomers Symposium. Calgary, Canada.

    16. Sakeah J.K, Montesanti S, Almasri I, Atchison K, Brown G, Coakley A, Talavlikar R, McBrien K, Fabreau GE. Healthcare Providers’ Experiences During a Syrian Refugee Influx Among a Dedicated Refugee Clinic and Partner Community Clinics in Calgary, Canada. North American Refugee Health Conference. Toronto ON, June 2019.

    17. Eric Norrie, Kerry McBrien, Stephanie Montesanti, Paul Ronksley, Garielle Brown, Fabreau GE. Clinic Utilization at a Specialized Refugee Health Clinic in Calgary, Canada: before, during and after the Syrian Refugee Initiative. North American Refugee Health Conference. Toronto ON, June 2019.

    18. Mary Malebranche, Eric Norrie , Sylvia Hao , Kara Nerenberg, Amy Metcalfe, Rachel Talavlikar, Andrea Hull, Giselle De Vetten, Fabreau GE. Health Care Utilization Patterns among Pregnant Refugee Women attending a Dedicated Refugee “Medical Home” in Calgary, Canada. North American Refugee Health Conference. Portland OR, June 2018.

    19. Molly Whalen Browne, Rachel Katherine Talavlikar M.D., Eric Norrie, Sylvia Hao B.Sc., Mostafa Kamal el Din M.D., Fabreau GE. Effective Cervical Cancer Screening among Recently Resettled Refugee and Asylum Claimant Women to Canada: A Dedicated Refugee Medical Home Model. North American Refugee Health Conference. Portland OR, June 2018.

    20. Davidson M, Street L , Norrie E, Kamal el Din M, Hao S, McBrien K , Coakley A, Fabreau GE. Prevalence and Determinants of Anemia in Recently Resettled Refugees to Canada. North American Refugee Health Conference. Portland OR, June 2018.

    21. Al Masri I, Coakley A, Talavlikar R, Norrie E, Hao S, Fabreau GE. Characterization of Mental and Physical Health Conditions among Resettled Yazidi Refugees to Canada: The “ISIS Effect”. North American Refugee Health Conference. Portland OR, June 2018.

    22. Norrie E, Boyce M, Walsh E, Leung A, Coakley A, Fabreau GE. Mental Health and Hypertension Prevalence among Refugees and Refugee Claimants in Canada. North American Refugee Health Conference, June 2017.

    23. Walsh E, Vaughan S, Coakley A, Yu S, Kamal el Din M, Lienhard K, Williamson T, Fabreau GE (2016) Strongyloidiasis and Schistosomiasis Screening and Prevalence among Refugees and Refugee Claimants in Canada. Invited oral presentation. North American Refugee Health Conference Annual Meeting. June 2016. Niagara Falls, NY

    24. Fabreau GE, Berkowitz SA, He W, Kayitesi C, Oo SA, Atlas SJ and Percac-Lima S (2015) Acquisition of Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors among Refugees and Immigrants: A Longitudinal Study. Invited oral presentation. North American Refugee Health Conference Annual Meeting. June, 2015. Toronto, ON

  • Invited Lectures, Panels & Workshops

    1. Fabreau GE. Equitable Access for Vulnerable Populations: Two-year Reflections of COVID-19. COVID Corner, University of Calgary, Continuing Medical Education. Mar 23, 2022

    2. MacDonald N, Redditt V, Hill A, Fabreau GE. Supporting COVID-19 Vaccine Access for Newcomers Through Multisectoral Collaboration. Invited lecture and panel. National Newcomer Navigation Network Conference (N4). Mar 2, 2022

    3. Fabreau GE, Coakley, A. Ask an Expert COVID-19, Information Update. Alberta General Union Member Townhall – UCFW Local 401. Dec 2, 2021.

    4. Trosseille, N; Tanguay JM; Coulibably GL; Floreal M; Basabose, J; Fabreau GE, Gagnon, MM. The experience of three refugee health clinics in the context of COVID-19. Roundtable Panel and Workshop. Metropolis Annual Conference. Mar 23, 2021.

    5. Fabreau GE, Coakley A, Friesen B. AHS Policy Brief: Meat Processing Plants COVID-19 Immunization Plan. Mar 1, 2021

    6. Fabreau GE; Friesen B. COVID-19 Variants of Concern and Risks of Transmission in Meat Processing Plants. AHS Public Health Meat Processing Plants and COVID-19 Taskforce. Response to Identification of COVID Variant Cases and Outbreaks in Meat Processing Plants Multi-Stakeholder Roundtable. Feb 23, 2021

    7. Fabreau GE, Coakley, A. Ask an Expert COVID-19, Information and Research in Alberta. Alberta General Union Member Townhall – UCFW Local 401. Jan 31, 2021.

    8. Vyse, A, Coakley A, Fabreau GE. Where Is The Beef?: Calming the COVID-19 Storm with Socio-Clinical Care Connectivity. University of Calgary, Continuing Medical Education Rural Virtual Conference Series. Dec 15, 2020.  

    9. Fabreau GE, Coakley, A. Ask an Expert COVID-19, Information and Research in Alberta. Alberta General Union Member Townhall – UCFW Local 401. Nov 18, 2020.

    10. Marlin RP, Fabreau GE, Kimball S, Rashid M, Shah S, Encinas AS. (2020) – Borderline: Overview of Immigration Policy in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico and its Impact on Health Throughout North America. North American Refugee Health Conference Annual Meeting – Virtual Conference. Sept 17, 2020.  

    11. Fabreau GE, Pottie K. The Equity Causes and Impacts of the COVID-19 Meatplant Outbreaks among Newcomers in Canada. Bruyère Talks Research: COVID-19 Edition – Bruyère Research Institute, University of Ottawa. June 25, 2020.  

    12. Fabreau GE, Rashid, M (2019) – Models of Healthcare Delivery for Refugees and Refugee Claimants in Canada Workshop. North American Refugee Health Conference Annual Meeting. Toronto ON. June 14, 2019.  

    13. Invited Speaker – Refugee Health in the YYC and Canada. Department of Medicine Grand Rounds – Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary. Calgary, AB. (April 2019)

    14. Invited Scholar – Research Matters Event: Ministry of Immigration, Refugees, Citizenship Canada (IRCC) – Research and Evaluation and Knowledge Mobilization and Partnerships divisions – (Ottawa, ON – Feb 25, 2019)

    15. Coakley A & Fabreau GE (2018) Post Arrival Health Assessments for Migrants Arriving in Canada & Resettlement Issues. Caring for Migrants as the Result of Regular Migration: Experiences of Receiving Countries in North America Symposium. International Conference on Migration Health. Rome, Italy. Oct 1, 2018

    16. Fabreau GE (2018). Migrant Lives at Risk: A Conversation with Doctors Without Borders (Invited Speaker and Panelist). MSF Canada. Calgary AB. May 29, 2018.

    17. Brown G & Fabreau GE (2018) Refugee health YYC: conducting collaborative research with recently arrived refugees. Alberta SPOR Summer Unit - Summer Institute 2018. Calgary AB. May 15, 2018 

    18. San Juan C; Al Masri I; Coakley A; Talvlikar RT; Brown G; Norrie E; Hao S; Fabreau GE. Resettled Yazidi Refugees: the Calgary experience mosaic refugee health clinic. Ministry of Immigration, Refugees, Citizenship Canada - Survivors of Daesh Symposium. London, ON. March 25, 2018

    19. Fabreau GE; Pottie K; Wiedmeyer ML; Redditt V; Rashid M. (2017) An Introduction to Canada’s Refugee Health Clinics: Research and Advocacy. North American Refugee Health Conference Annual Meeting. Toronto ON. June 18, 2017.  

    20. Marlin R; Fabreau GE; Griffen MA, Kimball Sarah; Rashid Meb; Scales D; Shah S. (2017) Advocating for Change and Responding to Political Shifts: Policy Implications of the Recent Canadian and U.S. Elections. North American Refugee Health Conference Annual Meeting. Toronto ON. June 17, 2017.  

    21. Fabreau GE (2017). Refugee Health and Health Research in Calgary (Invited Speaker). Calgary Catholic Immigration Society - Refugee Health Matters: Resource Navigation Conference. Jan 18, 2017. Calgary, AB


    22. Fabreau GE, Narasiah L. (2016). Approach to Refugee Health for the General Internist. Invited Clinical Workshop. Canadian Society of Internal Medicine (CSIM) Annual Meeting. Montreal, Que (Oct 2016) 

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